Undisclosed Expert interests #1 – A common interest

Undisclosed Expert interests #1 – A common interest

Undisclosed Expert interests #1 – A common interest Technomed Ltd & Anor v Bluecrest Health Screening Ltd & Anor [2017] EWHC 2142 (Ch) (24 August 2017)  Undisclosed Expert interests #1 – A common interest This case is the first of two cases we will cover...
Expert Advocacy (plus some comments on foreign experts)

Expert Advocacy (plus some comments on foreign experts)

Expert Advocacy (plus some comments on foreign experts) Re Qantas Airways Limited [2004] ACompT 9 (12 October 2004)  Expert Advocacy (plus some comments on foreign experts) Background This was a matter heard before the Australian Competition Tribunal related to...
Evidence of Activism – How Expert Evidence Derailed a Conviction

Evidence of Activism – How Expert Evidence Derailed a Conviction

Evidence of Activism – How Expert Evidence Derailed a Conviction Wood v R [2012] NSWCCA 21  Evidence of Activism – How Expert Evidence Derailed a Conviction Background This was a criminal case regarding the death of Caroline Byrne who died of an apparent suicide by...
“Most unsatisfactory” and of “grave concern”

“Most unsatisfactory” and of “grave concern”

“Most unsatisfactory” and of “grave concern” Yelland Security Pty Ltd v Plus Architecture International Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 416 (13 July 2021)  “Most unsatisfactory” and of “grave concern” Background This case was a shareholder dispute in the Victorian Supreme Court....

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