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Join us as we take a look at a series of cases highlighting the pitfalls and risks of less-than-optimal expert witness evidence.

We will look at a variety of cases focussing on Australian jurisdictions, with a few other appropriate common-law cases thrown in for good measure. While these case reviews are (hopefully) relatively light-hearted and funny (in a cringeworthy kind of way) they are also very useful as a learning exercise for expert witnesses, parties and legal teams. These cases involve some of the more egregious and unfortunate situations expert witnesses have found themselves in, and are presented so that others can learn from their mistakes.

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An embarrassing debacle

An embarrassing debacle

An embarrassing debacleBackground This is a UK case which involved a claim for fraud against various traders at Barclays Bank by the UK Serious...

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Some expert shopping!

Some expert shopping!

Phosphate Co-Operative Co of Australia Pty Ltd v Shears [1989] VicRp 60  Some expert shopping!This case concerned the approval of a company scheme...

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