An embarrassing debacle

An embarrassing debacle

An embarrassing debacle An embarrassing debacle Background This is a UK case which involved a claim for fraud against various traders at Barclays Bank by the UK Serious Fraud Office (“SFO”).  It was alleged the traders rigged the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate...
The case of the disappearing expert

The case of the disappearing expert

The case of the disappearing expert Van Oord UK Ltd & Anor v Allseas UK Ltd [2015] EWHC 3074 (TCC) (12 November 2015)   The case of the disappearing expert Background This was an English law commercial dispute in relation to laying of gas pipeline. Expert...
Expert Evidence Founded on Speculation

Expert Evidence Founded on Speculation

Expert Evidence Founded on Speculation HG v R [1999] HCA 2   Expert Evidence Founded on Speculation Background This was a criminal case involving sexual offences against a child. A psychologist named Mr M, gave expert evidence on behalf of appellant (defendant)....
An expert who is not independent?

An expert who is not independent?

An expert who is not independent? FGT Custodians Pty Ltd (formerly Feingold Partners Pty Ltd) v Fagenblat [2003] VSCA 33 1   An expert who is not independent? In this blog we look at another interesting case on the independence, duties and roles of expert...
Some expert shopping!

Some expert shopping!

Some expert shopping! Phosphate Co-Operative Co of Australia Pty Ltd v Shears [1989] VicRp 60  Some expert shopping! This case concerned the approval of a company scheme of arrangement in company called Pivot.  An accountant, Mr W provided an independent expert report...
Expert evidence based on incomplete, subjective and partisan facts

Expert evidence based on incomplete, subjective and partisan facts

Expert evidence based on incomplete, subjective and partisan facts Fox v Percy [2003] HCA 22  Expert evidence based on incomplete, subjective and partisan facts Background This case involved a road traffic accident between a motor vehicle and a horse and rider. In...

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