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Expert Witness Cross Examination Training CPD

As Australia’s premier witness training provider, Loquitur is pleased to provide the following continuing professional development cross examination training video free to all expert witnesses.

Further, as an ethics presentation it will likely count toward experts’ ongoing ethics CPD/CLE training compliance obligations.

Witness preparing to give evidence

The video, titled “Expert Witness Cross Examination Training and Ethics” was presented by Hugh Stowe, a practising barrister of 5 Wentworth Chambers in Sydney to FTI Consulting. The video discusses:


Some definitions, including witness preparation, evidence preparation and witness training


Rules and obligations, and the ethical and strategic tension in expert witness preparation


Some specific pointers for expert witnesses when being cross examined by barristers, and examples of these


Categories of “Witness Training”, including mock cross examination, preparation on the substance of an expert’s evidence and rehearsal of cross examination based on an expert witness’ report


Considerations for ethical expert witness training


Sample mock cross examination, examples of advocate strategies during cross examination and feedback and analysis of these

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throughout Australia and globally


  1. Witness Training Definitions – 02:17
  2. Rules and Obligations in Respect to Expert Witness Training and the Ethical and Strategic Tension in Expert Witness Preparation – 03:30
  3. Categories of Witness Training
    • a) General Advice to Witnesses on Court Process – 10:01
      b) General Guidelines to Witnesses on Giving Evidence – 10:36
      c) Non-Case Based Mock Cross Examination of Expert and Lay Witnesses – 15:40
      d) Preparation Regarding Substance of a Witness’ Evidence – 16:44
      e) Rehearsal of Cross Examination based on an Expert Witness’ Report – 21:26
  4. Ethical Expert Witness Training Considerations – 28:20
  5. Sample Mock Cross Examination, Discussion of Barrister Strategies and Feedback – 36:19

Sample Template Expert Report – Free Download

To see how Loquitur’s various training courses can help improve expert witness confidence and assurance and help develop practical skills and experience for experts please see our specially designed courses for expert witnesses. Courses include:

• Expert Witness Rules and Duties
• Expert Report Writing – Fundamentals and Practical
• Expert Witness Cross Examinations – Fundamentals and Practical
• Bespoke in-house sessions for organisations

Please also see our free, sample expert report template for expert witnesses to use as a guide when preparing their reports.

emplate sample expert witness report.  Free specimen report for all experts to use.  Example Australian Expert Report.  Loquitur Expert Witness Training

If experts would like Loquitur to present a live training session, we would be more than happy do so – please contact us.

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various training courses

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