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Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses provide evidence which is used to assist the court if the case involves matters on which the court does not have the required technical or specialist knowledge.

Expert witnesses are specialists in their field, and will provide an opinion to the court. View our Expert Witnesses Courses

Expert witness preparation for trial
expert witness training course
Unlike factual witnesses (lay witnesses) who give evidence on matters on which they have first-hand experience, an expert will provide evidence on matters which they do not have first hand knowledge, but which is within their area of expertise. This can include, for example, evidence on quantum of loss, technical or scientific evidence, or evidence on professional obligations in professional negligence cases.

Expert witnesses provide an opinion to assist the court, and their expert testimony should be independent and uninfluenced by the instruction or the underlying litigation.

Like factual witnesses, expert witnesses are also cross examined as part of the trial process. It is thus vital that expert witnesses are fully prepared for trial. Obviously this will require a thorough understanding of the facts and matters in the expert’s (and any opposing expert’s) reports. However, a good expert witness must also be able to convey their position to the court, particularly when it is tested under rigorous cross examination.

Loquitur’s specifically designed courses provide experts with the necessary knowledge and experience to confidently and concisely provide their evidence to the court, and to effectively deal with cross examination on their evidence.  Our courses provide expert witnesses with: 

  • Understanding of the court process.
  • Confidence to deliver evidence effectively.
  • Awareness of tactics advocates use.
  • Strategies of their own to counter an advocate’s tactics.
  • Practice in the effective delivery of evidence.
  • Experience in providing evidence in high-pressure situations.
  • Assurance they will present in the best way possible.
Expert witness familiarisation training

To see how we can help you please contact us.

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