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International Sessions

While an Australian-based training company, Loquitur is able to offer training sessions internationally.

Lady doing online virtual witness training
available all around the world

We regularly provide our training to individuals and organisations globally. This has included training sessions for:

    • Lay witnesses based abroad, but involved in Australian proceedings;
    • Expert witnesses based abroad, but involved in Australian proceedings;
    • International experts looking to enter the Australian market;
    • Lay and expert witnesses who are providing evidence in arbitrations worldwide;
    • Expert witnesses who are providing (or looking to provide) evidence in international jurisdictions; and
    • Australian based witnesses involved in foreign proceedings.

Typically such training is conducted remotely via video-link, although it can also be provided “in person” on request.

To see how we could potentially assist you or your organisation with such worldwide training please contact us.

Does Loquitur offer
virtual training sessions?

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