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Ethics Training CPD

Loquitur is pleased to provide the following continuing professional development / continuing legal education training video free to all practitioners.

As an ethics presentation it will count towards practitioners’ ongoing ethics CPD/CLE training compliance obligations.

Witness preparation CPD

The video, titled “Witness Preparation: Safely Walking a Fine Ethical Line” was initially presented by one of Loquitur’s barrister-trainers, Steven Hogg of McPherson Chambers live to King & Wood Mallesons. The video discusses:


The concepts and ethics of witness proofing, witness preparation, witness training and witness coaching


The various ethical practice rules and obligations relating to witness preparation


Cases, both in Australia and abroad, where witness preparation was (and was not) conducted in an ethical manner


Explains how witness familiarisation can help practitioners in ethically preparing both witnesses of fact and expert witnesses across all types of claims and other contentious matters


Concludes with a brief mock cross examination similar to those conducted by Loquitur as part of our specialised witness training courses

Trusted by law firms, witnesses and experts
throughout Australia and globally


Concepts: 02:35
Practice Rules: 10:14
Cases (Australia): 13:39
Cases (abroad): 18:50
Witness familiarisation training: 25:10
Mock cross examination: 37:31
How witness preparation can be ethical

Additional CPD: Expert Witness Cross Examination Training and Ethics

We also have an ethics CPD video specifically discussing ethical expert witness training and the role of solicitors and barristers in this. Please see this link.

Template Expert Witness Report

If of interest we also have a free sample expert witness report template for professionals to use to assist in preparing and structuring their expert witness reports. The precedent report is available for download for free in either pdf or editable “Word” format.

Click here to review and download the sample, editable template expert report.

Template sample expert witness report. Free specimen report for all experts to use. Example Australian Expert Report. Loquitur Expert Witness Training

If practitioners would like Loquitur to present a live training session, or to learn more about Loquitur’s witness familiarisation training courses for both factual and expert witnesses, please contact us.

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