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How to Build Your Profile as an Expert Witness?

How can I build my profile as an expert witness?  What are the best ways to promote my services as an expert witness? How can I get more instructions as an expert witness?

These are all questions most expert witnesses have asked themselves at one point or another.  And they are questions to which there are (unfortunately) no easy answers.

Medico-legal expert witness - doctor with stethoscope. Expert Opinion
But, there are several little things that you can do, and work on, that will, over time, improve your profile and brand as an expert witness.

1. Networking and Meetups

No surprises here. Meeting others in your field is a great way to build your profile – most professions are very collegiate and professionals welcome the chance to speak to others in their fields. Also, meet with solicitors and barristers – after all, it is they, particularly the solicitors, who will often recommend to parties which expert(s) to use. Also, meet with potential clients – insurers, departments, agencies, companies and others likely to be involved in litigation. It’s a slow process, but guaranteed to reap dividends, and it can be (and should be) an enjoyable one.

2. Have a Good Website

Your online presence is crucial to your profile as an expert. This is face of you as an expert, and your business. A good website will allow people to find you online, and to see your services and offerings. It will also help with your SEO (below). It should be easy to use, clear and concise.

Preparing a basic website should not be a costly or difficult process. In most cases website can actually be fairly simple – a home page, a contact button, and a bit about yourself/your expertise.

3. Refine your SEO

Related to the above, once you have a good website up and running you need to be found online. After all, unless you are on speed dial with potential clients, this is how they will find you. Refined SEO will enhance your online visibility and your search engine (ie. Google) rankings. It is a long term investment, but well worth it for the organic traffic you will get to your site, and hopefully, the referrals and work which will flow from this.

4. Sign up to Online Expert Witness Directories

A simple way to boost your online presence can be to sign up to an online expert witness directory. These can be free, and simple to sign up to. Watch when signing up that you are signing up to one which has a focus on your area of expertise or geographical region. A lot are international, or perhaps have a US focus. An expert witness directory with an Australian focus is www.allexperts.com.au and may well be worth a look. After all, if someone is looking for an expert, this is the sort of place which they will likely look.

5. Sign Up to an Expert Agency

The right agency is a great way to improve your profile as an expert witness. Not only will they be able to potentially provide relevant engagements for you, they will also promote and market your services as an expert to their network. Obviously, agencies will charge a fee for their work, but this can be well worth it to become engaged on a matter.

Research the various agencies which specialise in your area of expertise and speak to them. Most agencies will be more than willing to have an initial chat.

6. Be active on LinkedIn

Another fairly obvious one, but one which does give results. LinkedIn will allow you to see what is happening in relation to expert witnesses, and to keep up to date on news articles. You will likely see details of recent cases which have been concluded, and who has worked on them.

7. Do some training

Of course we were going to mention this one! After all, training is what we do here at Loquitur. In all seriousness, though, training does help improve your profile as an expert witness. The fact you have done the training is another “string to your bow” and will improve your likelihood of engagement. It is also a grounds for further marketing of your services.

We also get requests from people searching for experts from time to time, and we are more than happy to put people in touch with experts in our network.

8. Reach out to some lawyers directly

A direct email introducing yourself to some solicitors can be a very effective way to improve your profile as an expert. Certain lawyers are regularly in need of expert witnesses, and it may well be that their clients will soon be needing your expertise. Obviously be very targeted in who you speak to – look for partners in disputes in areas of law relevant to your expertise.

Another good way is to offer the lawyer or their firm a CPD on your area of expertise. Most lawyers enjoy the chance to learn about topics related to their field or speciality, and to be able to get the necessary CPD points for the year.

Some concluding thoughts

There is no silver bullet to magically improve your profile as an expert witness. It is a slow, incremental process. However by repeatedly and constantly working to build your profile you will see the benefits over time.

Above are a few ways you can do this. And now is as good a time as any to start.

We would love to hear your thoughts and comments on these – please contact us if so, or if you have any questions.

Good luck!

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