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Expert Witness Cross Examination Training – Transport Network Operations Experts

Client Background

Transport for NSW is the lead agency of the NSW Transport cluster.

TfNSW’s role is to lead the development of a safe, efficient, integrated transport system in NSW.  It is responsible for strategy, planning, policy, regulation, funding allocation and other non-service delivery functions for all modes of transport in NSW including road, rail, ferry, light rail, point to point, regional air, cycling and walking.

Within TfNSW, the Network Operations Team performs planning and operational tasks associated with the operational management of the NSW road network, including tasks in traffic operations, planning for events, incident response planning and traffic signal operation.

As part of this role, TfNSW staff are regularly called on provide expert reports and evidence at the request of police, insurance companies and law firms, and other members of the public for proceedings in various local jurisdictions.


Training Provided

Loquitur provided a detailed and comprehensive “in house” training session to the Transport for NSW Network Operations team on the cross examination of expert witnesses in Court.

Topics covered included:

  • Fundamentals of cross examination:
    • Evidential and Trial Process
    • Roles of Witnesses
    • Giving Evidence under Cross Examination
    • Conclaves
    • Cross examination strategies and countermeasures
  • Practical mock cross examinations for team members as part of group based on bespoke materials in prior, concluded proceedings.
  • Instructor and team feedback

“Feedback was positive, good to see theory in practice i.e. tactics utilised by the Barrister when cross examining in the mock trial.”

Expert Evidence Cross Examination Training

Sydney, NSW

Training Overview
Half-day in person session at client offices

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