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Building and Construction – Glass and Window Expert Bespoke Witness Training

Client Background

The Australian Glass and Window Association (AGWA) is the peak body all industry participants in the glass and window sector.  It includes manufacturers, fabricators, glass processors, glaziers, merchants, suppliers, educators, regulators, and professional stakeholders and bodies.

AGWA upholds represents and upholds industry standards to the benefit of consumers throughout Australia.

AGWA ensures industry compliance and accreditation and conducts ongoing audits and inspections in disputes through a series of accredited and independent specialist experts.  Its auditors and inspectors are regularly called to give expert evidence in legal proceedings throughout Australia following their independent inspections and testing.

Training Provided

Loquitur provided a full day, tailored, “in house” training session to the AGWA team of auditors and inspectors from all around Australia, live in person in Mascot, Sydney. 

Topics covered included:

  • Fundamentals of drafting expert reports
  • Fundamentals of expert witness cross examination
  • Practical review and analysis of expert report
  • Expert witness mock cross-examination

The materials had been tailored specifically based on a prior report in a concluded proceeding.  This report was analysed, “red penned” and drafting improvements suggested and discussed, both generally and in the context of the immediately preceding fundamentals and theory session.

This report formed the basis for the afternoon mock cross examination during which an experienced AGWA expert witness was cross examined.  Attendees were able to watch live, following which feedback was given by the trainer, expert witness and all attendees to practically illustrate the lessons, strategies and tactics taught earlier in the day.

“The course was excellent. It was worth the extra investment to tailor to our specific expertise. It was very well received by everybody.”

Construction Industry Expert Witness Training

Sydney, New South Wales

Training Overview
Full day in person expert witness training – report writing and cross examination

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