Practical tips for witnesses
Loquitur understands that the provision of evidence at court is a difficult and stressful process. Loquitur believes in open justice.
We seek to de-mystify the legal process and ensure that all people providing oral evidence are as prepared as they can be. We do this through the provision of our specialist independent witness familiarisation courses which provide a series of practical strategies and tips to effectively communicate while under cross-examination.
The course will include strategies and tips to help improve the delivery of evidence at Court, and to ensure that the Court gets the evidence in the most effective way. By way of example, a few general tips for anyone giving evidence is provided below. These, along many other tips and strategies, are covered in detail on our course:
Know your materials very well, but also know the relevant material of all of the other witnesses who have provided evidence.
Pause and take a breath before giving any answer.
Direct your answers towards the judge, not towards the advocate asking the questions.
When seated in the witness box, sit with your feet pointing toward the judge.
Keep answers short and concise.
Enjoy silences. Use them to resettle yourself and avoid the tendency to keep talking during silences.
If you get flustered, pause and have a drink of water.
Tom Nevin, Director at Loquitur, discusses these points briefly in the following video which provides various tips and suggestions for all witnesses (including lay witnesses and expert witnesses) who are giving evidence in court under cross examination.
To see how we can help you please contact us.